Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

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Kenyon Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 7DU


0161 330 1065

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary is proud to be awarded: GOOD by OFSTED++++EXCELLENT by SIAMS++++GOLD by the RE Quality Mark++++

  1. Classes
  2. Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Class Teacher: Miss Ali 

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mahmood

Me and Mrs Mahmood are very excited to have you join us in Year 2. Keep an eye out on our school twitter to follow what we are doing in the classroom! 

Knowledge Organiser

Phonics Resources


  • Children are expected to be reading a minimum of three times a week at home. Please spend some time reading with your child. 
  • Maths homework will be set on Thursday and be taken in on Monday to be marked.  
  • Phonics homework will be set on Thursday and children will review these phonics words on Monday. 
  • Please encourage your child to use Numbots and SpellingFrame to practice their number facts and spellings. Login information can be found inside children's homework books. 

Important Reminders

  • Please ensure your child has their PE bag in school. PE this half-term will be on Wednesday.
  • Please do not forget that snack money is £1 a week for your child.