Welcome to Year 3
In Year 3, we aim to provide an engaging curriculum, allowing children to ask questions to develop their curiosity. Where possible, we aim to provide first-hand experiences to enhance children's learning and build language and oracy skills.
Mrs F Ahmed (Class Teacher)
Mrs Nield (TA 4)
Mrs Clegg (TA2)
This half term, Year 3 have P.E every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure your child has an indoor and outdoor P.E kit in school. We encourage children to leave P.E kits in school to prevent them from forgetting or in case a change of clothes is required.
Outdoor Kit
black bottoms/leggings
red/white t-shirt
outdoor trainers
warm jumper/fleece/hoodie
Indoor Kit
black shorts/leggings
red/white t-shirt
Your child will be provided with a piece of fruit each day. We ask that you make payment electronically through your school account. If there are any issues please speak to reception.
Your child will have a library and reading book issued by the school. We encourage you to listen to them read 3-5 a week. There are some suggestions on how to develop, your child's understanding in the attachment below.
Alongside reading, your child will have number facts and spellings to learn each week.
Spending a little time each night on these will make a massive difference to your child's education. Your child will have relevant passwords for websites and programmes we use in class, on the inside front of their reading record books.
Below is an overview of the learning topics covered in Year 3 in the Autumn term. Please see the curriculum and policy pages for more information on what we do.
Please find below the knowledge Organiser, for the Spring term
Class Dojo
We use 'ClassDojo' to share learning in Year 3. You will have received a parental log-in from school, and your child will have a QR code, in their reading records to access their class story.
Your child will have the login details for the following website, on which work will be set for them to complete as homework. Please help them access these.
Please find below the knowledge organiser, for Autumn term term.
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